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Beijing International Optics Fair

Views: 56     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-22      Origin: Site

TR Optical and Jiangsu Rodenstock Optical (Jiangsu) Co. under Universe Optical Group just attended CIOF 2021 (China International Optics Fair) on Oct 20th as exhibitors. The fair lasted 3 days and was organized in China International Exhibition Center at Beijing Chaoyang District.


As a stream of growing power in China optical industry, TR optical became business partner of Rodenstock in 2012 and has been supplying lens products for almost a decade. TR Optical’s Freeform progressive lenses strictly conform to ISO8980 and the production process conforms to Rodenstock production standards. During the fair, TR Optical set up special exhibition area for its most popular products, anti-fatigue lenses and UV585 cut (enhance-contrast) lenses and made detailed demonstrations to customers.


Rodenstock Optical (Jiangsu) Co. was established in 2019 after Universe Group became the only official distributor of Rodenstock in China mainland. It has developed business partners, including domestic distributors and chain stores in most China areas and is open to any potential business cooperation opportunities in Rodenstock lenses and frames. According to a increasing market demand, Rodenstock Jiangsu displayed and introduced Rodenstock Kids, Rodentsock Students, and PRO410 (which provides optimized UV protection to human eyes) to the audience.


Thanks to all our partners who are enjoying TR and Rodenstock products. For more products/information please visit universeoptical.com or universeeyewear.com. Contact: info@universeoptical.com.



Founded in 2001, Universe Optical has been dedicated to the manufacturing of lenses, cases, frames, and eyewear
accessories for 20 years.




Lens Website:www.universeoptical.com
  (+86)-511-84431154
  info@universeoptical.com
  4-6f Fanhua Mansion, 116# Dingmaoqiao Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
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